Navigating Setbacks with resilience: My journey of empowerment

Step into those red heels darlings!

Strike that power pose, and strut your stuff bravely, confidently, and courageously!

The reality of Solopreneurship can be daunting, especially when your projects have wrapped up and you’re waiting for the next one to start. My focus has been on keeping my eye on the prize, powering through every day, and holding the belief that the energy I am investing will not be in vain, reinforcing that my efforts will bear fruit soon!

I found myself exhausted after countless late nights at my desk, researching, developing, and marketing my brand, staying on trend—all with a super positive attitude while journeying through my personal transformation.

After exploring and acting on the available resources to continuously improve the version of my service offerings, I anticipated that phone call or email inquiry. I finally got that call—a seemingly “in-the-bag” inquiry! Phew, what a relief! After shooting many arrows, I hit something! Super excited about the inquiry, I was surprised when the potential client went quiet.

The final push for a response came at the last minute, and the service offering was rejected, with no real clarity on the reasons that could help me improve my offering.

Can you relate?

This situation had the potential to send me down the streets of self-doubt and self-destruction, OR I could CHOOSE to sail down the river of Resilience and practice these rituals.

So, how did I choose to respond?

I shed a few frustrating tears, expressed a couple of “Sh!ts” and “F*&$s,” and then stepped into my gym shoes—only to realize that my gym was closed. So, I streamed a YouTube workout video, selected my favourite playlist (you know, those tunes that get you head-banging in your lounge disco), and got my sweat on at the foot of my bed, in candlelight—because, of course, LOAD-SHEDDING! It must have been a sight to see!

I recovered, slept like the dead, and woke the next morning to ask myself, “What lesson do I need to learn? What state of mind will help me achieve my desired outcome?”

I thanked my lovely teachers, put pen to paper, observed my thoughts and feelings, listened for the answer, and then took action.

What is my lesson?

My lesson learned is to develop the skill called Resilience. We need to develop that “thick leather skin” that so many people I’ve engaged with seem to possess naturally.

Then there are people like me, who have had to develop this skill, defined as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.”

What positive outcomes have come from this?

The positive outcome from this experience is that I’ve learned a valuable skill that I will apply when facing similar situations.

I’ve learned that it’s okay to feel vulnerable, snap out of it, and bounce back stronger than before.

Only you can choose how you respond to difficulties. It’s easier to feel the emotion in your body and release it, then MOVE ON than to stay stuck. It’s not an option for us to mope and dwell there!

I hope you find these helpful when faced with similar setbacks.


  1. Kill yourself and your teachers with kindness. Beating yourself up about the “what if’s,” “would’ve,” “could’ve,” “should’ve’s,” blah blah blah, serves no purpose! FEEL the emotion and ACT from a place of LOVE.
  2. Be brave. Continue to put yourself out there! It’s tough, but POWER through! Keep walking tall, in those heels! Connect with your family and friends.
  3. Stay Flexible. You need to be able to roll with the punches, darlings. It’s HARD, I know, BUT DO some introspection and be flexible in figuring out what you should do next.
  4. Re-affirm WHY you are doing what you are doing.
  5. Reach out to those in a similar situation. You don’t have to navigate this on your own.
  6. Retreat. Do whatever brings you JOY. Take an Epsom salts foam bath, sauna, or steam bath, book a massage, walk on the beach or in the forest, exercise, meditate, journal, draw, paint, or craft. Do whatever helps you raise YOUR vibration.


Don’t let setbacks hold you back!

#truessence #resiliencerituals #leadershipdevelopment #solopreneurship

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